
kindle版が前の版のものだと知らずにうっかりR graphics kindleをぽちってしまったわけです。


I accidentally ordered a book from my Kindle and do not want the book.
What do I do to cancel?



I've requested a refund of $48.99 for "R Graphics (Chapman &Hall/CRC The R Series)." If the item is still on your Kindle for iPad, please delete that copy. After the refund is issued, you will no longer be able to access this item.

Refunds are issued to the payment method used to make the original purchase and usually complete within two to three business days.

Just so you know, the option to select the "Purchased by Accident? Cancel this Order" appears on the order confirmation page displayed on your Kindle immediately after you purchase a book. If you purchase a book by mistake and you don't click the cancel option, or you find that what you purchased wasn't what you wanted or expected, you have seven days after placing the order to contact us for a refund.

Thanks for using Kindle.
